#19 : The Myopic Mercenary

As anyone who plays a couple o' RPG's and/or shooters and/or watches/reads something zombie-related or something (so pretty much everyone), I sometimes imagine myself kicking ass in an apocalyptic/medieval/zombie-infested situation. Fuck yeah scavenging and looting and flaming and shooting bow and arrow and assault rifles
And then I remember I have like a -5,5 in one eye and -3,5 in the other. Which translates to halfway blind-as-a-bat when I lose my glasses, which in turn puts kind of a damper on my fantasies. Truth is, you hardly see people with glasses in such settings, or it's treated like an accessory instead of an OH GOD I LOST THEM WHERE IS EVERYTHING

Dang, this comic was a lot of work and art-wise there are a lot of weak spots that I'd like to correct, once. Well, it was fun though and I learned how to draw a flamer, so there's that.

DorkToes #4 OUT NOW!

DorkToes #4 OUT NOW!

Dork Toes year 4, 2015.
The fourth year of Dork Toes: 96 pages of comics including previously unseen content for €17!

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